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Christian Aid welcomes UK aid to India
Saturday, 19 February 2011, 19:01 (IST)
Christian Aid has welcomed the UK Government’s continued commitment to fight poverty in India, describing recent criticism of the pledged aid as ‘misguided.’
Christian Aid has welcomed the UK Government’s continued commitment to fight poverty in India, describing recent criticism of the pledged aid as ‘misguided.’
International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell yesterday confirmed that the UK would give more than £1bn in aid to India over the next four years.
The announcement drew criticism from some quarters as India is now the world’s second fastest growing economy.
Christian Aid director Loretta Minghella said today: "Despite India’s recent phenomenal economic growth, it is still home to more than a third of the world’s poorest 1.2bn people.
"The emphasis of the UK government programme is on three of the poorest states in the country – each of which are larger than most African countries – where there remain huge challenges, particularly in providing education and health care, nutrition and jobs
The full article is on this Website..Every one read it.. I have given you the link..let me give it again
Now look at the plan to convert India to christanity
The current issue of Tehelka dated September 13, 2008 has come out with a lengthy article on Christian plan to convert India, the role of American missionaries in it and the Bush support to it and so on!"id=1# to"id=8#
TOP SECRET Preparing for the harvest …
A new mood of aggressive evangelism has been emanating from America. Well-funded, superbly networked,
backed by the highest of the land, seized of its moral supremacy, it has India as one of its key targets, reveals
VK Shashikumar in a disturbing exposé
This could be the plot of a fevered thriller. A jingoistic president, multi-million dollar corporations, high technology, a grand if furtive mission, networks spanning the globe, and biblical invocations.
Only it"s real. And its got India in its crosshair.
Religious expansionism has not witnessed this scale, scope, and state resources in a long time. Detailed investigations by Tehelka reveal that American evangelical agencies have established in India an enormous, well-coordinated and strategised religious conversion plan. The operation was launched in the early 1990s but really came into its own after George W Bush Jr, an avowed born-again Christian, became president of the United States in 2001. Since then, aggressive evangelists have found pro-active support from the new administration in their efforts to convert some sections of Indian society to Christianity. At the heart of this complex and sophisticated operation is a simple strategy-convert locals and then give them the know-how and money to plant their own churches and multiply.
Now lets see what the Vatican say about Conversion and Spreading the message..or Converting people….
The Goal is same..Convert Hindus
1. The Lord Jesus, before ascending into heaven, commanded his disciples to proclaim the Gospel to the whole world and to baptize all nations: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the Gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mk 16:15-16); “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the world” (Mt 28:18-20; cf. Lk 24:46-48; Jn 17:18,20,21; Acts 1:8).
But the Church, to whom this truth has been entrusted, must go out to meet their desire, so as to bring them the truth. Because she believes in God's universal plan of salvation, the Church must be missionary”.96 Inter-religious dialogue, therefore, as part of her evangelizing mission, is just one of the actions of the Church in her mission ad gentes.97 Equality, which is a presupposition of inter-religious dialogue, refers to the equal personal dignity of the parties in dialogue, not to doctrinal content, nor even less to the position of Jesus Christ — who is God himself made man — in relation to the founders of the other religions.
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