Sunday, April 29, 2012

This happens when you Speak against Sonia Gandhi



April 29, 2012

Gagging dissent

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MUM'S THE WORD:Caught unawares by a woman who sprang to her feet and waved a black flag at Congress president Sonia Gandhi, a policeman evicts her before further damage could be done. She was demanding reservation under the Scheduled Castes category for the Madiga Dandora community as Ms. Gandhi spoke at a function to celebrate the 105th birthday celebrationsof the head of the Siddaganga Mutt, Shivakumara Swami, in Tumkur on Saturday.— Photo: PTI/Shailendra Bhojak(report on page 10)

MUM'S THE WORD:Caught unawares by a woman who sprang to her feet and waved a black flag at Congress president Sonia Gandhi, a policeman evicts her before further damage could be done. She was demanding reservation under the Scheduled Castes category for the Madiga Dandora community as Ms. Gandhi spoke at a function to celebrate the 105th birthday celebrationsof the head of the Siddaganga Mutt, Shivakumara Swami, in Tumkur on Saturday.— Photo: PTI/Shailendra Bhojak(report on page 10)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Jesus terrorist from France on a Mission to destroy India


The Bihar government 'deported' 10 French nationals - six of them women - out of the state on Sunday for their alleged involvement in Maoist activities and visa rule violations.
A police team escorted them to Patna, from where they were to take a flight to Kolkata. The

French nationals were detained late on Saturday night near Nawada town after they were found moving in Maoist hotbeds and holding farmers' meetings.

Ekta Parishad, the NGO which organised the meetings, claims to be a non-violent people's movement working on land, water and forest rights.

"The French nationals had violated visa conditions," union home secretary RK Singh told HT from New Delhi.

"All of them were working for an NGO believed to have links with frontal organisations of Maoists," he said.

Visa rule 3.3 prohibits a foreigner on a tourist/business visa from engaging in socio-political activities, said Kumar Rajesh Chandra, Bihar's additional DGP (intelligence).

The foreigners had come to India early this month and were camping in Bihar after touring south India. While nine of them had come on tourist visas, one had an employment permit to work in Bhopal.

But while in Bihar, they visited Maoist hotbeds -- Jamui and Simultala -- and held meetings deep in the forests, the police said.

During questioning, the French nationals feigned ignorance about the NGO's alleged links with Maoists, an officer said.

They had claimed they were on way to Rajgir and Bodh Gaya, both tourist centres.

But police sources said they were actually moving towards Qadirganj in Nawada district, another Maoist hotbed, when they were intercepted.



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Christian BBC calls Hindu festival Filthy

BBC Apologizes for Calling Hindu Festival Holi “Filthy”




British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has apologized for labeling Hindu festival of Holi as “filthy festival”, which had upset the Hindus worldwide.

In an email to Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, BBC News’ Editor On Demand Mark Barlex wrote: “…we apologise for any offence that was caused.”

BBC News website posted a short video on March 29 under its “week’s weird videos” in “Newsbeat’s odd box” showing youth playing Holi in Utah (USA) and titled the segment as “Filthy festival”.

Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, had complained to BBC saying that terming the “festival of color” celebrated by Hindus and others worldwide as “filthy” was very insensitive and belittling of the entire community.

Admitting “original headline was an error” and saying “we are sorry”, Barlex informed in the email that they have changed the headline to “Festival of colour”. I understand your concern that the use of the word “filthy” in our headline, in the context of this festival, could offend some audiences, Barlex added.

Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, commended BBC for showing maturity and responsibility in immediately removing the inappropriate terminology used for the Hindu festival Holi, which hurt the feelings of one billion Hindus spread around the world. It was a “step in the right direction”, he added.

Zed suggested BBC to provide training to their editorial staff in world religions as religion was powerful and complex and world was becoming increasingly diverse. Stereotypes, prejudices and caricatures passed on to us from previous generations needed to go. Journalism should take religion more seriously, help us build interconnections and create harmony instead of adding to religious conflict, confusion and bigotry.

Rajan Zed pointed out in his earlier complaint that although under its “our values”, BBC claimed “we respect each other and celebrate our diversity”, but describing a festival of world’s oldest religion as “filthy” was highly “disrespectful”. Was calling Holi “filthy” BBC’s way of educating and informing the world correctly; whose “mission” was listed as: “to enrich people’s lives with programmes and services that inform, educate and entertain”? Zed had asked.

Founded in 1922, headquartered in Westminster London, and established under the Royal Charter; world’s largest broadcaster BBC (autonomous public service broadcaster) has been blamed in the past for racism, imperialist stance, Indophobic bias, anti-Hindu bigotry, anti-American bias, etc. Mark Thompson is BBC Director-General, Helen Boaden is Director of BBC News, and Lord Patten of Barnes and Diane Coyle are Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively of BBC Trustees.

Joie de vivre festival of Holi welcomes the beginning of spring and starts about ten days before the full moon of Phalguna. The ceremonies include the lighting of the bonfires, during which all evils are symbolically burnt. Holi also commemorates the frolics of youthful Lord Krishna; celebrates the death of demoness Putana, burning of demoness Holika, and destruction of Kama by Shiva. Holi fell on March eight this year.

Webster’s New World Dictionary describes “filthy” as “full of filth, disgustingly foul; grossly obscene; morally vicious or corrupt”.

Hinduism is the third largest religion of the world and moksha (liberation) is its ultimate goal.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What is Christianity and what it stole

Not my research or article but got it from the Yahoo groups was nice so wanted to share with you all

i would like to add something to the mode of analyzing the western Christian method of digesting others and history centrism.
I have no problem coping with the Christian claims of exclusivism and their narrow western universalism, but I see no reason to accept non Christian elements in this formula. The Christianity we are dealing with is mostly a creation of the last 2,000 years by western Europeans (Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Holland, Spain, Scandinavia etc) and to some extent the United States and Canada.
Therefore I would advise rejection of any pre-Christian philosophy, writings, theology, legal systems, theology, culture on the part of Christians. Specifically, I see they have no claim to the stories and theology of the Old Testament, which are really Jewish mythology and scriptures.
I would advise rejection of Christian claims to the heritage and achievements of the pre-Christian Greeks. Plato, Aristotle, the Greek idea of democracy, Greek thought, are NOT for Christians to colonize as their own.
I would advise rejection of Christain claims to the heritage and achievement of the Romans, who were nearly all non Christian and before the supposed coming of Jesus.
I would advise rejection of Christian claims to the heritage of the Mesopotomia early civilizations of Ur, of later civilizations of Babylon, the Persians, Crete, the north African cities, and the entire Mediterranean area before the Christian era.
I would advise rejection of the Christian claims to the heritage of Egypt, claims to the heritage of the Scandinavian nations of Sweden, Norway etc.
Strip these away from the western Christians and they are left with very little. The bulk of the Nicene Creed (creation story, Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden, talking snake, original sin, coming of the messiah are all Jewish) is gone, all the thoughts of the  Romans and Greeks and their institutions have to fall away.
So what are the Christians left with? What is their creation? It's not by accident that the Christian creation in their early centuries was called the Dark Ages. It was a time of feudalism, slavery, backwardness in all spheres of life, wars and degradation, religious persecution, inquisition, a barbarous legal, social and cultural system across Europe. Only by the 15th century was there a small bit of a renaissance, which in any event affected only the ruling classes but left the ordinary man in poverty and ignorance. And let me not forget war, the orgy of violence and bloodshed and conquest and colonialism that has disfigured the western Europeans to this day. Remember the Hundred Years War? Tens of millions were killed in World War 1 and 2, most of them Christians killed by other Christians. And of course the expanse of  African slavery, the colonization of the rest of the world, was nearly all a creation of the Christians.
This is the heritage of the Christians, a sad, pathetic rag bag, not the glorious history of the origin and heights of civilization and culture that they claim.
We do not have to insult the Christians or engage in hot confrontations with them. We simply have to strip off the stolen goods they have appropriated and carry on their backs, and let them battle with only the heritage they have created.