Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Army Chief V.K.Singh Exclusive Interview with Chauthiduniya


General V K SINGH exposed the Anti National Sonia Gandhi and her Government …


The Fraud which the Christian Congress Party Chief Sonia Gandhi and Her Foreign Interests are trying to do in india

Friday, March 2, 2012

My experience with Sonia Gandhi : Ms Harsha Oza


The Holy Roman Catholic Ex Escort from Italy.

She Follows the virgin mama boy( Jesus )and The Head of Pedophilic  church (Pope )



My experience with Sonia Gandhi

Ms Harsha Oza
BJP Today
June 16-30, 1999

    Title: My experience with Sonia Gandhi
    Author: Ms Harsha Oza
    Publication: BJP Today
    Date: June 16-30, 1999

    Sonia Gandhi, together with her children Rahul and Priyanka,
    accompanied Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on his official visit to
    Stockholm in January 1988. As per prescribed protocol, I, as the wife
    of Indian Ambassador, was required to escort and accompany Sonia
    Gandhi on her visits to art galleries, museums, schools, etc., as per
    separate programme arranged for her by the Swedish authorities, While
    Rajiv Gandhi was occupied with his schedule of official meetings and
    discussions with his counterparts.

    My odyssey started with the arrival of the VVIP visitors from India on
    a dark and chilly January night of Stockholm when outside temperature
    was -20 degrees centigrade and the tarmac of the Stockholm airport was
    slippery with snow. As per prearranged car plan for the drive from
    the airport to the hotel, Swedish Prime Minister Ingvar Carlsson was
    to accompany Rajiv Gandhi in one car, and, I was supposed to sit with
    Sonia Gandhi in the next car, as Ingvar Carlsson had no wife. Rahul
    and Priyanka were to sit in a separate card behind Sonia Gandhi's
    car. Just as I was about to get into the car after Sonia Gandhi got
    in, she pulled Rahul and Priyanka in her car and made them to sit next
    to her. That not only threw the entire car plan into confusion, but
    also left me stranded on the tarmac in freezing cold as the carcade
    started moving as soon as the VVIPs got into their cars. Fortunately,
    my husband, whose car was three-four cars behind Sonia's, saw what had
    happened, slowed down his car and quickly pulled me in without
    breaking the flow of the moving carcade.

    On arrival at the hotel, I thought I would properly introduce myself
    to Sonia Gandhi and familiarize her with some details of the special
    programme arranged for her. I was told that the hour was late and she
    was tired. I was asked to come a bit early next day and meet her
    before proceeding for the first item on the programme.

    Accordingly, next day I went to the hotel at least an hour ahead of
    the schedule of the first item on the programme. I conveyed through
    her secretary of my arrival and intent to meet her for a few minutes
    before starting for the programme. I was not called in. Nor was I
    offered any place to sit and wait. I kept hanging out in the lobby
    outside her suite. She came out just in time to leave the hotel for
    the scheduled programme and rushed straight to the elevator surrounded
    by the SPGS. She went past me, but did not recognize me. I followed
    her to the elevator and barely managed to squeeze into the crowded
    elevator jostling with numerous SPGS. We got out of the elevator and
    got into separate cars; she with Rahul and Priyanka, and I by myself
    She went around the museum without speaking to me at all. At the end
    of the visit, we went back to our respective cars and to the hotel and
    the elevator and she rushed straight to her suite and I was again left
    in the lobby. Just as there were no 'Hi' or 'Hello' at the start,
    there were no good-byes at the end of the visit.

    The same drill was repeated for the afternoon schedule of the
    programme, except that when we got out of the elevator in the lobby of
    the hotel, a number of waiting media people and photographers started
    clicking their cameras and asking questions about her children, their
    age, schooling, hobbies, etc. Sonia Gandhi did not reply to any of
    those questions and continued to push ahead towards the car. Finally,
    an exasperated journalist looked at the 'Bindi' on my forehead and
    asked about its significance. It was not at all a new or strange,
    question to me as I had answered it several times to several people in
    our diplomatic roam-about. So, I quickly answered saying that
    traditionally it was a symbol of a married woman whose husband was
    alive but now-a-days, it had become a fashion mark. I saw a frown
    coming on Sonia's face and a certain degree of impatience with my
    talking to the reporters.

    Her reaction was translated into action by a young SPG who shoved and
    elbowed me away from the journalist in a very rough manner which
    almost hit and hurt my jaw. I yelled at the SPG fellow and asked him
    to behave properly with an Ambassador's wife. Sonia Gandhi saw all
    this but did not say anything to the rude SPG.

    I felt humiliated and mad. That night I came home in tears and told
    my husband not to involve me in any of the programme activities of
    Sonia Gandhi. My husband immediately got in touch with Sharada
    Prasad, the veteran information Secretary to P.M., and narrated my
    plight to him. Sharada Prasad personally expressed his regret at my
    experience and tried to comfort me by saying that Sonia Gandhi was
    known to be aloof by nature but was not arrogant and did not mean to
    humiliate anybody or show contempt for others. I was inclined to
    believe him. But next evening after the official banquet I saw Sonia
    Gandhi joking and talking, laughing loudly and jabbering away in
    Spanish with the wife of Mexican President Miguel de la Madrid. She
    looked a different Sonia Gandhi altogether. I was then convinced that
    although she enjoyed trappings of power which went with being Indian
    Prime Minister's wife, she could not relate comfortably to Indians, I
    felt that although she had made India her home, her heart was not in
    India and that she would be better off being in the land of her birth
    and the environments of her upbringing.

Stupidity beyond compare and Brianne Donaldson’s work

Brianne Donaldson


“ [This post is part of a roundtable discussion on the new book Being Different: An Indian Challenge to Western Universalism by Rajiv Malhotra, now featured at the Patheos Book Club.]

Rajiv Malhotra lays some of the most crucial insights of Indian philosophy on our front step in Being Different: A Challenge to Western Universalism. In the package we find an invitation to the practice of purva paksha (49), a dialectical hallmark of the Dharma traditions, which requires one to suspend her own worldview and preconceptions in order to understand an alternative perspective as fully as possible before engaging in dialog or critique. “


This article is by  Brianne Donaldson  and God forbid what will happen if we don’t give the references… but Rajiv Malhotra being a indian will be happy if we use his work to support India..


So here we put Rajiv Malhotra Critique of the Brianne Donaldson stupid article


Rajiv Malhotra says:

March 2, 2012 at 5:35 am

I am well aware of Whiteheadian thought. But as my next book will demonstrate, Whiteheadian thought is a repackaging of abhidharma Buddhism. Hence it is a dharmic critique of the west, restated and branded as “western”.

My UTurn theory shows that many such dharmic ideas have become repackaged as “Western” with a new line of “western pioneers” – whitehead being just one of many. Christian Yoga, Saussure’s structuralism, Teilhard de Chardin’s “world = body of christ”, Ramon Panikkar’s new Christianity, Jung’s reinterpretation of Bible, Ken Wilber’s repackaging of Sri Aurobindo onto a lineage of western thinkers, etc – these are a few more of the examples.

Firstly, such critiques are dharmic imports, and being re-charcterized as coming from western pioneers does not alter the philosophical consistency with dharma and disconnect with western thought. So while the face might be whitehead’s, the ideas remain dharmic.

Second, such new thinkers are yet to be accepted by the mainstream, and once they are, the “west” itself will cease to remain the “west”. When that happens, I will indeed be happy.

So my work is in line with what whitehead attempts. Only I refer to the original dharma sources and not western substitutes.

Hindu’s participate in this Discussion and support Rajiv Malhotra

Everyone read this and write on this Blog.  Rajiv Malhotra needs Hindus to contribute in this discussion







This is a mail copied from the Egroup and it is by Rajiv Malhotra

Example 1 (I removed the person's name whose sent me the foll. Email today)

I wanted to say one thing more about Being Different: I am delighted that Sri Aurobindo is so frequently cited there, and find your work to be firmly in his tradition (in modern India, none is greater). My son also loves the book, in part for the same reason (he wrote a thesis on Aurobindo and sees India and the world in large part through his eyes). We both admire the chapter on Sanskrit. I could not quite cognitively defend your (and Bhartrhari's, Abhinava's) thesis that (as Raja Rao put it to me once), "the essence of each thing is its [Sanskrit] name vibrating in the absolute." On the other hand, as a meditator I perform that premise every day when I chant "Om."

Finally, I want to nominate the Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS) to the Infinity Foundation for possible support of efforts to expand the representation of Indian images. My wife is on the board of ARAS and it occurred to me that there might be a natural connection with your foundation. ARAS is a Jungian instituton with roots in the Eranos conferences in the 1930s and after. See aras.org if this is of interest.

Rajiv comment: Jung's Eranos conferences produced some of the greatest digestors on the past century – including Joseph Campbell, Eliade, Paul Tillich, etc. Now the above scholar who has practiced sadhana in Auroville is wanting funds from Infinity, to support work by his wife that would remap his mining of Sri Aurobindo for 25 years into western univeralism. He also told me with ride that his son is going for a phd under a prominent Indian scholar of religion in Florida, and how under her guidance all the dharma he learned will get "harmonized" with western thought. That scholar in Florida is well known for promoting sameness , digestion, Aryan theory, etc. She is also popular at temples where she goes in sari with heavy jewelry and talks about the greatness of Hinduism. Hates me for calling her duplicity…

Example 2: Read the Patheos.com comment discussion on my book. (I expected many more of you to participate and post comments). Read one review by Brianne Donaldson at: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/takeandread/2012/02/replacing-our-westernized-spectacles/

See the comments after her review. These explain how she as head of dharma studies at a prominent university is in fact on a mining expedition to help further plagiarism. Her role in digestion is to promote whitehead who digested abhidharma Buddhism into his own repackaged versions, and to erase the dharmic sources. Ironically, she then uses Whitehead to criticize BD. Pls read and participate the

Every Hindu needs to be Converted to Christianity : http://www.joshuaproject.net/assets/


Jesus Terrorist  on a Mission to convert and destroy India .


To learn what is going on in India. Read these books and my blog
























