Monday, January 3, 2011

Wendy Doniger and Limp Phallus of Lord Ganesha

Other conclusions by these well-placed scholars include: Ganesha's trunk symbolizes a “limp phallus”; his broken tusk is a symbol for the castration-complex of the Hindu male; his large belly is a proof of the Hindu male's enormous appetite for oral sex. Shiva, is interpreted as a womanizer, who encourages ritual rape, prostitution and murder, and his worship is linked to violence and destruction.

Now we do have the Great Professor of University of Chicago talking of limp Phallus of Ganesha..So lets see what Does a Cross look like…Think of some things…bet you can ..Let the Mind Run riot.. and you have some nice things in mind..But we will not go their . We leave that to Windy Doniger..Not us..we are good people..The Nice Guys.. right ?Leave that to  Windy Doniger

Lets look at one picture what Ganesha Means to Hindus ----many other interpretation are available to Hindus..


Wendy's Doinger Horoscope from Moon Sign. Date of Birth Available from


Wendy Doniger (O'Flaherty) (born November 20, 1940) is an American Indologist and Mircea Eliade Distinguished Service Professor of the History of Religions at the University of Chicago Divinity School, the Department of South Asian Languages and Civilizations, and the Committee on Social Thought. She has taught at the University of Chicago since 1978.[1]

Much of her work is focused on translating, interpreting and comparing elements of Hindu mythology through modern contexts of gender, sexuality and identity. She describes herself as "a Sanskrit's, indeed a recovering Orientalist"[2] and "an old-fashioned philologist".[

This is from Wikipedia ..So the correctness of the data depends on the correctness of Wikipedia. If this data is wrong then author of the blog will take it out at once..


Now we see from Moon  Sign   ---The Great Combination in Astrology  Mars +Venus +Mercury and then aspected by Saturn  .

So Venus has links with mars and Saturn..Classical Hindu astrologer know what it means..

Just Google mars +Venus combination and you shall see some results.. Then We are Working on a Very shaky data , I,e Wikipedia so we leave it as it is

If Wendy Doinger  Provides her date /time /Place of Birth then we can provide more details which will even zap her as to the accuracy of the Hindus astrology and how good it is than the  .Test Hindu Astrology and I bet K N RAO of will definitely look at your horoscope as you have such  a nice view of Hinduism and Hindu Scripture’s .

It is quite important to know the background and the nature of the person as to why or how he or she think’s…One of the best tools is HINDU astrology..We definitely would like to know what sort of mind a person has when he or she looks at Hinduism and does he even have the capacity to understand the Spiritual aspect of Hinduism..


So lets Look at Lord Ganesha Picture and what Saint Gayaneshwar said about Lord Ganesha .. ..Perverted Mind like Windy Doniger can find sex everywhere..

From the Saint Gayeshwar Movie.-great song in Hindi saying Love everyone

Man with God intoxication sees god Every where and God created everything  and Those with Lust see that Every things is created by sex… Different attitude towards life and different out look towards life .

Lets see what Saint Gayaneshwar Says about Lord Ganesha in His Janenshwari

Remember Janenshwari was written  Around   1200 AD..  long time before Wendy was born..

Om ! I salute you, O Primal Lord, propounded by the Vedas; glory to you, who are known only to yourself, O supreme Self.


 O Lord, you are Shri Ganesha, Who illumines all things and minds. So I, disciple of Nivriti, say, please give me your attention.




 His (Shri Ganesha's) attractive form represents all the Vedas; his superb body exhibits their faultless diction. His limbs represent the Smritis, his gestures their styles; his handsome aspect represents their exquisite meaning. His jewelled ornaments represent the eighteen Puranas, the jewels set in gold being their doctrines set in poetry (1-5). His coloured robe constitutes their superb diction, its fine glossy thread standing for their poetical style. The jingling bells in the girdle round his waist represent the poetical and dramatic compositions. If you observe keenly, you will find in them all many doctrines set in poetry like gems in gold. The silken garment round the waist of Ganesha represents Vyasa's intelligence; and its shining borders denote the pure flashes of that intelligence.

His six hands suggest six philosophical systems, and the things held in them indicate their differing doctrines (6-10). The axe denotes the Nyaya logic, the goad the Vaisheshika creed; and the sweet juicy modaka (an Indian sweet) shows to advantage the Vedanta doctrine. The tooth in his hand, which is naturally broken. Indicates the refutation by the Vartikakra (Kumarilabhatta) of the Buddhist doctrine. It follows that his lotus-hand represents the Sankhya law of causation, while the safety-sign of the remaining hand establishes the pre-eminence of dharma. The straight trunk of Ganesha represents the pure thought conducive to the supreme joy of final beatitude. His straight white teeth denote the philosophical dialogues, while his half-open eyes represent the eye of wisdom. (11-15) His ears look to me as the Mimamsa and Vedanta schools; and the sages, like bees taste the ambrosial rut of knowledge from his temples. His temples, shining with the corals in the form of doctrines of the Dvaita and Advaita schools, are close on his elephant-head. And the sweet-smelling and beautiful flowers on his forehead denote the ten Upanishads full of wisdom. The first letter a represent his feet, the letter u his big tummy, and the letter m his circular head, the foremost among limbs all these three letters are untitled in the sacred syllable Om, which encompasses all spiritual knowledge. I salute Shri Ganesh, the primal seed of the world through the grace of my Guru Nivritti (16-20).

I know bow to the goddess of learning who, with her novel graceful speech and mastery of arts and skills, holds the world spellbound.


So You still think it is a LYMP PHALLUS…But then some people are just have Sex in the mind ..Best book for sex is  KAMASUTRA …Read it..


Now lets see what Wikipedia says about Lord Ganesha


First chakra

According to Kundalini yoga, Ganesha resides in the first chakra, called Muladhara (mūlādhāra). Mula means "original, main"; adhara means "base, foundation". The muladhara chakra is the principle on which the manifestation or outward expansion of primordial Divine Force rests.[96] This association is also attested to in the Ganapati Atharvashirsa. Courtright translates this passage as follows: "[O Ganesha,] You continually dwell in the sacral plexus at the base of the spine [mūlādhāra cakra]."[97] Thus, Ganesha has a permanent abode in every being at the Muladhara.[98] Ganesha holds, supports and guides all other chakras, thereby "governing the forces that propel the wheel of life".[96] 

So In KUNDALINI YOGA  it is the First Chakra ? Wao Windy Did you know that ?




Now lets look at the Mantras which can change your life for ever..

Shri Ganesh Stuti ( Must Listen )


Maha Ganapati Mool Mantra (*****)

So after listening to the mantras you see sex ? and then chant the mantras for few weeks every day and tell every one do you feel sex in your body

or you feel Great…God intoxicated

People need to know that you need to understand Sanskrit correctly and spend some years learning it…and Have to do meditation etc. for few years before you start

you great writing work.. Otherwise Garbage In Garbage Out….is the rule…

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