Disclaimer > Astrology and related Sciences come under Entertainment and should not be taken Seriously..So don't take it seriously and come back to me with complaints.Don't Invest money etc. or make plans of the future based on this analysis.
Lets look at the future of the Saudi Arabia..The Head of the Islam and try to understand why is this country the root of all the world terrorist problem and what it has in its store.
Though Islam says that every thing is will of Allah but even Islamic Allah does not know that it (Islamic Allah ) is also governed by the Laws of the Karma. What goes around comes around.
Islam was founded by a Man called Muhammad and who many call him to be the last prophet but as for me he was just a Man whose third eye got opened somewhat due to his past karma and he got some divine revelations (Living with Kundalini ) which he did not fully understand and also then in the future he mixed revelations with with his own desires for sex and greed.
This is all shown in the horoscope of the Saudi Arabia.. God always takes care of things.. Even though Muslims talk as if the God is always on their side..lets see if he is on Islam side or he has changed his side or God is on the side of Truth. Islam has defined god according to Muhammad (and read Quran to find that such a convoluted logic Quran has )
One thing the world has to keep in mind that though Islam was and is a dangerous cult with its fanatic warriors and believers .It did push the world to innovate and exceed the boundaries of human endurance etc.. In India it lead to the foundation of Sikhism and so many bhakti Saints and Indian history become enriched with the saga of bravery of its warriors to saints in resistance to Islam
In the west it lead to search for innovation in terms of technology to conquer or bypass the middle east to reach the land of Riches (China and India)
So some thing bad always does lead to some good and now it seems the time for the reformation of Islam has arrived and no one can change it.
God has willed it and no Islamic Allah can save it. Laws of Karma tells you that what goes around comes around..The curses of millions of Dead are on the Islam and its prophet. Those Curses will destroy Islam and lets see how they are working now..Millions of innocent people killed in the name of Islam will finally have their last laugh when they see Islam changed or destroyed.

K N Rao a great astrologer did Explain many things in the horoscope of Saudi Arabia as every one know what happens when you expose or say something bad about the so called great Prophet of Islam called Muhammad . So we have to be politically Correct..
Horoscope of any nation or any person can be analyzed by anyone with even little bit of knowledge and then if someone has some knowledge then many things are revealed in a horoscope which remain hidden to people.So let me try my hand in explaining what Saudi Arabia is and what is future holds

So what happens in 2011 November . In Saudi Arabia Horoscope show that the time of Saturn is coming and Saturn is aspected by mars.Saturn and mars opposition leads to Violence and this happens in the house of Religion and Venus also gets involved in this Combination.
Venus Represents Women and sex etc.. So you will see Violence to Women in Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia will be exposed in terms of Sex scandals which will come out in public life.. Saudi Hidden things will be finally exposed to all the world. The Cult whose main theme is Sexual perversion will finally be exposed to all the world.
Saudi Arabia will pass trough lot of problems as Saturn Represents the karmic Justice.. and Mullahs of Saudi Arabia don't understand the laws of karma as Muhammad (So called Last Prophet of World or A cult leader of death and Destruction )..Finally karma’s Catching up with Islam..
What mars Venus combinations represent etc.. and Surprise of all is that In Saudi Arabia has MARS+VENUS combination.. This combination generally produces a CharacterLess Person..A sexual Pervert and when aspected by Saturn it become Worse..It becomes a Combination of a Prostitute.. and surprise of all is that it has Gajakesari Yoga Combination.. A very good Spiritual Combination.. See how this conflict occurs in Saudi Arabia which is shown in Saudi Arabia Horoscope.
Desire to control sex etc there in Islam and also perversion exists in Islam… The conflict is shown in Saudi Arabia Horoscope..
Saturn Time Period will last from 2011 to 2014
Mullahs of Saudi Arabia “ Hindus” know your FUTURE but your Allah does not know…..FUNNY IS IT NOT MULLHA’s OF Saudi Arabia …
Remember king of Saudi Arabia is 80 Years old and in Islam the right of succession is always decided by Sword…The history has shown it..So who know what is the future of your country..Even I will be watching it happen..God is great and knows why he has created thing and why he destroy it
“--the analysis below has been done by K N RAO and i have just copied it to show how he has explained it.”
6 August 2007, 4:09 PM
"Now some circles in the US are trying to point fingers at Saudi Arabia either directly or indirectly. The prime suspect behind the crime was once a Saudi. Many of the alleged hijackers are said to have held Saudi passports. However, here in Saudi Arabia the government does not want the world to see Osama Bin Laden as a Saudi or even a dissident. To them he is simply a criminal, an outlaw, who has had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia since 1994."
War against terror: A Saudi perspective Jamal Khashoggi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, ARAB NEWS, ARAB NEWS )
In news most favorably in the Anglo-American press for so many decades because of the constant wooing of this oil rich nation, Saudi Arabia is known as the land from which Osama bin Laden hails. As the citadel of Wahabi Islam this country is identified with most fundamentalist of Sunni versions of Islam. For Muslims all over the world it is the land of Mecca and Medina going where annually on a Haj pilgrimage entitles one to the title Haji.
It is only now, after the 11 September 2001 WTO disaster in New York, that a hesitant accusing finger is being pointed at Saudi Arabia though the Anglo-American cousins have not found either an alternative source of energy to Arab oil on which their dependence is very heavy, nor have discovered any new oil fields from where they could get their huge demands for oil met.
Another reason is, for Saudi Arabia the overstay of US troops and the use of Prince Sultan airbase for more than a decade has to end. Used to end the rule of Saddam Hussain in Iraq by US troops, Saudi Arabia has been made to look like a parasitic country which cannot be militarily self reliant and needs US support to save itself from the wrath of Iraq. But for the rulers there will be greater internal danger now as the mass hero for Saudis, Osama bin Laden, has been humiliated or even destroyed.
And , Saudi Arabia, in turn, continues to haunt the western mind , like Pakistan, as the favourite haunt of terrorists whom USA has to continue to woo for some time for its own sake, for the sake of its commercial and military interests.
President Bush has made a promise to wipe out terrorists from the face of this globe of ours but has not said a word against Saudi Arabia which has supplied the philosophy of terrorism through its Wahabbi Islam and huge funds to the terrorists.
If Pakistan has supplied training and intelligence (through ISI), Saudi Arabia has contributed the philosophy and funds for such activities. How long can the US-Saudi honeymoon last now?
Historical compulsion must lead to the severance of relation of USA with Saudi Arabia in the coming years when it suits the strategic interests of USA. Till then the love-hate relation must continue.
A look at the horoscope of Saudi Arabia becomes relevant for an astrological discussion.
Among the different dates for the horoscope of Saudi Arabia, the most accepted is the one of 21 September 12 LMT, Riyadh.

The prosperity and religious attitudes of Saudi Arabia are well reflected in this horoscope.
1. The second and fifth lord, Jupiter, joins the eighth and eleventh lord, Mercury, in the tenth house. Here the second lord is vargottama showing the economic prosperity of the nation.
2. The tenth lord is in the eleventh house.
3. There are two good exchanges: between the seventh and ninth lords and the tenth and the eleventh lords.
4.There is an excellent Gajakesari Yoga involving an exalted Moon with Jupiter in Simha which is joined by Mercury and also Ketu which has a special significance in view of the fact that Muslims all over the world look upon Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia as their most sacred place.

5.Saudi Arabia is known as a blatantly theocratic state as explicitly stated in its constitution. (see the provisions quoted here).
6. The nation took birth in abhijit muhurta.
7.Some features giving to Saudi Arabia its exalted religious status strike the eye.
a) The ninth lord is exalted.
b) The ninth house has the seventh lord together with the lagna and the sixth lord, Mars aspected by Saturn which will explain why Saudi Arabia is accused slyly of exporting Islamic fundamentalism of the Wahabbi variety. (CNS News.com - Jerusalem (CNSNews.com) - Israel’s secret service revealed this week that militants in Saudi Arabia were helping to fund the development of a Hamas’ missile project, which was locally produced in the Gaza Strip, but planned for expansion into the West Bank.
c) Jupiter and Ketu in the tenth house, being part of a good Gajakesari yoga, adds to its attractiveness as a religious Muslim country for followers of Islam all over the world.
The importance of it can be understood if the historical fact that the rise of Al Saud is closely linked to Muhammad Ibn al Wahhab (died in 1792) the founder of the Wahhabism, is remembered.
From the Saudi Constitution
Article 1
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a sovereign Arab Islamic state with Islam as its religion; God’s Book and the Sunnah of His Prophet, God’s prayers and peace be upon him, are its constitution, Arabic is its language and Riyadh is its capital.
Article 3
The state’s flag shall be as follows:
(a) It shall be green.
(b) Its width shall be equal to two-thirds of its length.
(c) The words "There is but one God and Mohammed is His Prophet" shall be inscribed in the center with a drawn sword under it.
Article 6
Citizens are to pay allegiance to the King in accordance with the holy Koran and the tradition of the Prophet, in submission and obedience, in times of ease and difficulty, fortune and adversity.
From Moon
1. There is an exchange of the first and the third lord and the fourth and the fifth lords.
2. The ninth house has Saturn, ninth lord placed there aspected by Mars and Venus which again gives to it its fundamentalist Islamic character repeated in the Constitution of Saudi Arabia in many places.
Wahhabism is well reflected in the aspect of Mars on the ninth lord Saturn with all such rigid and aggressive which the differences between Shias, who worshipped shrines and Imamas and visit their graves were not acceptable as orthodox and true Muslims, highlights. The emphasis was on "the Muslim principle that there is only one God, and that God does not share his power with anyone—not Imams, and certainly not trees or rocks."
Wahhabism was a neat political instrument available to the rulers of Saudi Arabia to forge unity among warring tribes and give to the nation an identity through the enforcement of outward discipline which lingers even today though after 1992, the clear identification with is said to have been less.
It remains "tangible in the physical conformity in dress, in public deportment, and in public prayer. Most significantly, the Wahhabi legacy was manifest in the social ethos that presumed government responsibility for the collective moral ordering of society, from the behavior of individuals, to institutions, to businesses, to the government itself."
Political advantage of this doctrine was taken and Shias became enemies of Saudi Arabia and non-Muslims were greater enemies. The militancy generated by Mars here has always been at the root of Saudi Arabian policies be it donations to seventy countries where the money sent by it is not spent on welfare activities like modern educational institutions and hospitals but on mosques and madrasas where Wahhabism is encouraged.
It was this aggression which led to attack on Karbala the Shia shrine in 1801. Such aggression and consequent wars on Muslim neighbouring countries led to the identification of political loyalty to religious obligation which has been an unbroken tradition of Saudi Arabia for more than two centuries now.
This horoscope and historical necessity demands that Saudi Arabia must remain a custodian of Islamic faith which having an Arabic origin has been described by Anwar Sheikh in his website as Arab nationalism.
Some events
1. On 25 March 1975 when King Faisalas was martyred in Jupiter-Moon-Sun (see the dashamansha) Saturn was in Mithuna, the eighth house of this horoscope aspecting the tenth house and Mars was in Makar also aspecting the tenth house.
Note: Saturn is to enter that area again very soon.
2) The beginning of Saturn mahadasha saw Saudi Arabia getting involved in the conflicts of neighbouring countries. Here the aspect of Mars, as the sixth lord on Saturn made Saudi Arabia an aggressive supporter of the Mujahadeen action in Afghanistan against Soviet occupation and led to the rise of Osama bin Laden as a national hero some years later. It was also in this period that the Iran-Iraq war took place.
3) On 20 November 1979 in Saturn-Saturn- Venus the holiest Muslim place, Mecca was attacked. All these dasha lords are connected with the ninth house and are associated with Mars.
4) In Saturn-Moon (Moon is in the seventh house) Saudi Arabia was affected by the Iraq-Kuwait war with USA rushing to its aid with huge armaments by selling which the US armament industries benefited immensely, a war with Iraq seemed imminent but was staved off.
5) On 13 June 1982 when King Fahd became the leader of the kingdom it was period of Saturn-Mercury. The change in leadership is denoted by the eighth lord here.
Saudi Arabia has entered the twenty first century with the Wahhabi legacy which Osama bin Laden and his Al Quaeda used for an Islamic dream of world conquest and destruction of USA. The huge moneys given to Osama and Taliban is part of this legacy.
In the present dasha of Mercury, also the eighth lord in the tenth house and with Ketu , how can Saudi Arabia not witness chinks in this legacy now and escape world attention as exporter of fundamentalism is the question not being debated openly, though it does engage the attention of political scientists.
Saudi Arabia is on the verge of a big change in the next six years which will begin in Mercury Mars and in Mercury-Rahu such changes will acquire revolutionary tones.
Saturn in Mithuna will initiate the change, with the pro-west regime being thrown out first and later, internecine war will lead to many bloody changes in what today is one of the stablest and prosperous nations of the world.
In 2002, Saudi Arabia is passing through the second phase of saadhe saati. When Saturn enters Mithuna, and last phase of saadhe saati, it will also be aspecting the tenth house from where most unexpected changes will take place which can be violent overthrow of the present pro-western regime which uneasily appeals to Wahhabism that is two centuries old, backward-looking and antiquated from the western angle.
Liberal Islam must become a dominant theme in most of those Muslim countries where the mullah-guided populace nurses its grievance against their pro-west rulers. That such an uneasy and uncomfortable turn of historical events is staring the world now in the post-Taliban 2002 AD is difficult to accept and more difficult to reject.
That uneasy choice lies before Saudi Arabia now when Saturn enters Mithuna in June 2002. The transformation that is to occur in Saudi Arabia will have been completed by Saturn from Mithuna to Simha in seven to eight years
The VENUS and MARS combination
Venus in conjunction with Mars is a rather social and passionate aspect, and the loving side is more intensified
“These natives tend to be attracted to invigorated partners, which may sometimes give them a hard time. They tend to dislike boring people. They have strong likes and dislikes, and tend to do things in a more spirited way. They tend to be more highly sexual, and this can touch much of what they do. There's often something risqué in these individuals. Unless other influences take this elsewhere, these natives tend to vacillate between being considered as jerks and being considered little angels.
Unless other influences overshadow this (eg.
), they will tend to love sex and have a strongly sexual nature. They are strongly passionate and may have somewhat of a difficult time repressing their desires. “
12-13. Planet governances. Sun is the soul of all. Moon is the mind. Mars is ones strength. Mercury is speech-giver, while Jupiter confers Knowledge and happiness. Venus governs semen (potency), while Saturn denotes grief.
50-51. If at a womans birth the rising Rāśi be that of Venus and the rising Navams be of Saturn (Aquarius, according to Brihat Jatak) and, if Venus and Saturn aspect each other, or are occupying each others Navams, she will be afflicted with too much lust and will allay her fire of passion with the help of other females, acting the part of a male
9-16. When Lagna, or Moon is in a Rāśi, belonging to Mars, the woman, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will have illicit relations with a man before marriage. If she be born in Trimsams of Venus, she will become unchaste after marriage; if of Mercury, she will be full of guile and adept in conjuration; if the Trimsams be of Jupiter, she will be worthy and virtuous; she will be menial, or slave, if birth be in a Trimsams of Saturn. … in a Rāśi, owned by Mercury, the female, born in a Trimsams of Mars, will be full of guile, will be a hard-worker; if the Trimsams be of Venus..
If Mars be in the Navams of Venus and Venus be in the Navams of Mars, the female concerned will have illicit relations with other men. If in this Yoga Moon be in the 7th, the female concerned enters into illicit connections at the instance of her husband.
This is a Chart from the moon Sign..
Many things can be found out about the how the even will happen by Sarva Bhadra Chakra and Kota Chakra..So some who needs to figure out the right timing etc. can contact some good Hindu astronomer /Astrologer /
If Islam is peaceful, why is it violent?
Why can't we be friends? (Koran 5:51) Why are we your enemies? (Koran 4:101) Why are we the vilest creatures? (Koran 98:6) Why are we pigs and apes? (Koran 2:62-65, 5:59-:60, 7:166) Jesus was not a pig or an ape! (Koran 2:62-65, 5:59-:60, 7:166) Why kill us for insults? (Koran 33:61) Why is our religion bad? (Koran 3:85) Why must you fight us? (Koran 2:216) Why is leaving Islam a death sentence? (Koran 2:217, 4:89) We are not your sex slaves! (Koran 4:3, :24, 5:89, 23:5, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30) Rape doesn't need 4 witnesses (Koran 24:13), just DNA! Don't behead us! (Koran 47:4, 8:12) Stop the terror! (Koran 8:12, 8:60) Stop lying! (Koran 3:28, 16:106) Marriage and divorce of children is not OK. (Koran 65:4) Wife beating is not good. (Koran 4:34) 6-year old girls are too young to marry Mohammed aged 51! (Bukhari 7.62.88) 9-year old girls (Aisha) are too young to be deflowered by Mohammed aged 54! (Bukhari 7.62.88) Why did the devil speak to Mohammed? (Koran 17:73-75, 22:52-:53, 53:19-:26) Are my aunts and uncles cursed to hell too? (Koran Chapter 111) Who said Mohammed gets a 20 percent cut of all stolen non-Muslim property? (Koran 8:41) Why was only Mohammed allowed unlimited wives? (Koran 33:50) Why did All*h order Mohammed to marry his daughter-in-law? (Koran 33:37) Didn't Mohammed get tired beheading hundreds of Jews in one day? Did Mohammed's ride on his Buraq really go faster than an airplane? (Koran 17:1)(Bukhari 5:58:227) Why can't we set foot in Mecca or Medina? Dogs don't need to be killed! (Bukhari 4:54:540) Why must ex-Muslims die? (Koran 2:217, 4:89)
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucifyand Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. (Verse of the Sword) Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29
21 - 50 Coming Soon. Hints: Thou Shall Kill Dogs
Thou Shall Not Drink
Thou Shall Not Listen to Music, etc.
Mohammed - World Beheading Champion, Pedophile, Rapist, Thief, Robber, Torturer, Terrorist, Kidnapper, Liar, Murderer, Dog Killer.
He is the Ideal Muslim and Prophet - Koran 68:4, 33:21
In Islam, not only is rape of children ("marrying") allowed, but divorcing of pre-pubescent children is OK (Koran 65:4).
Mohammed, the ideal man (Koran 68:4, 33:21) was 51 when he married his child bride Aisha 6. He didn't deflower her until she was 9 and he was 54. (Bukhari 7.62.88) Remember: not only marriage, but divorce of
pre-pubescent girls is allowed for Muslims according to All*h (Koran 65:4).
- Mohammed is considered a prophet and the ideal man. (Koran 68:4, 33:21)
- Mohammed (51) married his favorite child bride Aisha when she was 6. (Bukhari 7:62:88)
- Mohammed (54) deflowered the nubile Aisha when she was 9. (Bukhari 7:62:88)
- Mohammed ordered all dogs to be killed because of a puppy. (Bukhari 4:54:540) (Kitab Al-Libas wa'l-Zinah) Muslim :: Book 24 : Hadith 5248
- Mohammed helped behead (Koran 47:4) 600 - 900 captives in one day.
- Mohammed and insults against him and Islam (Koran 9:61-:63, 33:57-:58) require death.
(Koran 33:61) - Mohammed had women killed for insulting him. (Asma bint Marwan, Abu ‘Afak, Kab bin Al-Ashraf)
- Mohammed orders anyone leaving Islam to be killed. (Koran 2:217, 4:89) (Bukhari 9.84.57)
- Mohammed curses his aunt and uncle to hell. (Koran Chapter 111)
- Mohammed was made victorious through terror. (Bukhari 4.52.220)
- Mohammed had a woman from Ghamid stoned to death for adultery after weaning her baby. (Kitab Al-Hudud) Book 17 : Hadith 4205 and 4206
- Mohammed got 20 percent of all stolen property. (Koran 8:41)
- Mohammed was spoken to by the devil. (Koran 17:73-:75, 22:52-:53, 53:19-:26)
- Mohammed rode a buraq (winged half-donkey/half mule) to heaven and back meeting Moses. (Koran 17:1) (Bukhari 5:58:227)
- Mohammed led 27 battles and ordered 47 others.
- Mohammed had over 50 sex slaves and wives. (Koran 4:3, :24, 5:89, 23:5, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30)
- Mohammed never had a son. (Koran 33:40 - thus the Sunni and Shia Sects)
- Mohammed alone was allowed to have unlimited wives. (Koran 33:50)
- Mohammed was ordered by All*h to marry his adopted son's stunning wife. (Koran 33:37)
- Mohammed colored his hair. (Red with Henna)

Burdened by gambling debt? No problem - we'll take your daughters instead. Majabin Mohammed, 13, at left, sits with her husband of six months, Mohammed Fazal, 45. Village elders advised him to accept Majabin as payment for a gambling debt. Remember, PC (politically correct), multiculturalists believe that all religions and cultures are equal. Hey, who are we to judge?
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