Saturday, February 25, 2012

Tribal Rights & Culture Must be Protected

Tribal Rights & Culture Must be Protected

- Dr Pravin Togadia

Sundergadh, Odisha; February 23, 2012

A glorious event of over Tribal 658 families, 3127 total people, 1513 men & 1614 women from 102 Tribal villages coming back to their ancestors’ religious traditions giving up the forced Christianity. In a grand event organized by VHP in the jungles of Sundergadh in Odisha, there were festival like celebrations by 102 Tribal villages. The happy occasion was presided over by VHP International Working President Dr Pravin Togadia.

While thanking the 102 villages & all the Tribals who returned to their ancestors’ religious traditions by choice & with joy, Dr Togadia said, “Tribals are the roots of Bharat. They are the custodians of our age old rich traditions & culture. We all must do everything to protect them & their rights. Govt has extended the reservations to Christians meant only for Hindu Tribals. Many Christians are already availing of the quota meant for the poor Tribals depriving the poor tribals of their right to education, jobs, loans, lands etc. This should immediately stop & all convert or any Christians should be immediately de-listed from the reservations meant for the Tribals. Those who convert to Christianity from Scheduled Castes are not given the benefits of SC reservations. Following the same pattern, the Tribals who convert to Christianity should be de-listed from the Tribal reservations.”

“In 1975, there was a bill for amending the constitution to this regard was brought in by Shri Kartik Urav who himself was a Tribal from Odisha. 300 Member of Parliament had signed the bill agreeing that the Tribals who converted to Christianity should be de-listed from the reservations. The amendment was about to be passed but got shelved for unknown reasons. It should be brought back again & be passed immediately. “

“Rangnath Mishra commission has now recommended that all Christians & Muslims who stayed in Tribal areas & regions before 1947 should be treated as Tribals & be given all Tribal reservations. This will further snatch education, employment, loans, lands & therefore livelihood of the original poor Tribals who did not disregard their ancestors' traditions & stayed loyal to the roots despite great difficulties. Therefore, this draconian recommendation by Rangnath Mishra Commission should never be accepted & the entire Rangnath Mishra report itself

Should be rejected as it snatched roti, education, employment, land, loans, businesses & trades of all castes of Hindus & Tribals.”

Dr Togadia appealed to all to support activities that educate, empower & enable Tribals to prosper & come up in life while protecting their glorious traditions. VHP is already running over 40,000 schools, residential schools- colleges for tribal girls & boys in tribal areas all over Bharat & now many bright students studied there are doctors, top govt officers & successful scientists in Bharat & abroad. VHP also has over 1000 medical facilities including hospitals, ambulances, blood banks & primary health care centres for Tribals in their own areas for quick medical help. There are Self Help centres & vocational guidance units where women & youth are groomed for the traded that are close to their life styles giving them better income & bright future. Dr Togadia said, “Support from the world & from Bharat from those who care for the well-being of the Tribals in all fields will gain further momentum that will immensely benefit the Tribals & also dissuade them from looking at other religions as an option.”


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why Terrorist’s of Christ (Jesus ) want India to remain poor and with no Nuclear power at Kudankulam Nuclear power plant ?

Jesus Terrorist’s on a mission to destroy India and Hinduism..


Hindus check these  American /Scandinavian   NGO’s (Jesus Missionaries masquerading as the Friends of India )

So why  these Jesus Terrorist’s want India to remain Poor


Come on Guys..Don’t you get it..Jesus terrorist have MONEY (Green DOLLAR BILLS )

With these DOLLAR BILL’s they Harvest the Souls of POOR Hindus to convert to the True Cult of Virgin mama Boy Jesus




Saturday, February 11, 2012

Indian calendar is more scientific than what scientists think!


An article published in Front Line in 2008 titled as “Medieval Mistake – The story of India’s faulty calendars” written by an astronomer, criticizing the existing system of calendar followed in Vedic astrology as being out of sync with the findings of modern science was brought to my notice. (This article is posted at the end of this post). I understand that articles such as this have the potential to cause confusion and doubts in the minds of scores of followers of Hindu ways and Vedic astrology. The current post is to set right the mis-information promoted by such articles on astrology.
At the outset I wish to state that though astronomy and astrology deal with planets and stars, the scope and utility of astrology are totally different from astronomy such that the rules and parameters are exclusive and unique for astrology which is of less or no consequence to the goals of astronomy. In this age of fast movement of knowledge dissemination, the common man / reader who is not well informed of how astrology works is likely to get carried away by such articles on astronomy which are written with no idea of how astrology uses astronomy. 
The first part of that article deals with Makar Sankaranthi. 
Makar sankaranthi means entry into Makar rasi (Caprocorn) This starts at zero degree of the sign, Capricorn. When the Sun enters Capricorn,,that marks Makar Sankaranthi. But the article talks about the position of the Sun on the Tropic of Capricorn, which is the southernmost point in the movement of the Sun.

Original Sin and Jesus Joke


The Real original Sin is this one..Not the Jesus one..Born to a Virgin mother ( This is Borg Science )





..Only in Christianity  it is Possible


Now the Original Sin



The Xtian belief is based on the assumption of the "original Sin" and Christ's atonement for that sin.
God created man in his own image and likeness and called him Adam. He created him with "free Will". But at the same time planted a tree in the garden of Eden to tempt him.
He forbade Adam to eat the fruit of that tree. I thought Man was created with "free will" . Even if not actually intended to be free, why would god deliberately plant a forbidden tree to tempt Adam? Unless that god suffers from a serious Superiority complex where he always invented for his will be done. In which case he did not intend to create man truly free and free to choose. This is a contradiction of Genesis 1:26 -30 and Genesis 2:8-20. If that god is truly god he would have blessed adam to experiment and try his strength and not forbid him from anything. That is why all Abrahamic cults share a sin psychosis. Hence the entire edifice of religion built on belief of Original Sin and its redemption crashes



Thursday, February 9, 2012

Jesus Pedophiles–Catholic Church

USD 2bn cost for Catholic Church abuse scandals

A wave of clerical sex abuse scandals have cost the Catholic Church over two billion dollars but the real price is the blow to its reputation, two US experts said today.

"It is probably reasonable to estimate that the actual 'out of pocket' cost of the crisis to the Church internationally is well in excess of two billion dollars," Michael Bemi and Patricia Neal said at a Vatican summit on the issue.

The cost could be much higher though as at least some dioceses in the Church "made many confidential settlements over the years, the total value of which may never be known," said the two consultants for the US Catholic Church.

Bemi and Neal asked Catholic leaders from around the world "How many hospitals, seminaries, schools, churches, shelters for abused women and children and soup kitchens could we have built with this amount of money”?

"The task of attempting to assess the damage caused to the Church by the crisis is certainly daunting and may seem to be an unattainable goal. No price can be placed on any one single soul," they added.

As well as up-front litigation costs, the US experts pointed to the time and energy members of the clergy have had to devote to responding to claims. Many priests had been left scarred by the scandal, they said.

"Thousands of good priests, religious, and lay ministers have all been 'burned' by the abuse scandal," Bemi and Neal said.

"They often must deal with distrust, resistance, suspicion and even ridicule from people with whom they interact, because they have been painted with the same broad brush" as offenders, they added.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Idiots and Christianity –these words are synonyms or antonyms ?


Some comments on this Webpage..As usual..I did not say or write anything..Just reporting ….what ever I see…rest you decide



The Hindus must decide if they want to join this war. the End Times prophecy requires that the Third Temple be built in Jerusalem. We are fighting the final battle of Armageddon, where the forces of Gog and Magog will be arrayed against the Chosen people. Do you Hindus want to be part of Gog and Magog alliance and suffer God's wrath for your choice? Or do you want to join the 10th Crusade against the forces of Evil. The Third Temple must be built in Jerusalem on the Dome of the Rock. We must carry out God's plan and defeat the Axis of Evil. Then only can Jesus return to earth. From the Book of Books The holy Bible: Revelations: 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 19:16 And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.



Is quoting from the Book of Revelations illegal? Look at these verses: This battle has been predicted: 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, Here is what happens to the Devil. 20:8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED TO THE FALSE PROPHETS: 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.



Thursday, February 2, 2012

Madame Sonia Gandhi’s Life Story (Ex Escort )

I did not create it..Just copied it so that we don’t lose this page..Then people who want to confirm the data check Dr Swamy Jantaparty website and also need to read the case which was filed in USA and later dismissed by the US court


Sonia Gandhi

Sonia Gandhi was born as Edvige Antonia Albina Maino on December 9, 1946. A naturalized citizen of India, she has become a very powerful figure in Indian politics. She is the President of Indian National Congress, one of the major political parties of India. She is Italian-born daughter-in-law of the late Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi She is the wife of Rajiv Gandhi who is a former Prime minister of India and also an accused in the Bofors scam

The Indian media rarely publishes articles on Sonia Gandhi. This article is based largely on the exposes by Dr. Subramanian Swamy on website



Personal profile

Father's Name Late Mr. Stefano Maino

Mother's Name Mrs. Paola Predebon

Date of Birth 12/9/1946

Birth Place Lusiana, Vicenza, (Italy)

Maritial Status Widow

Date of Marriage 2/25/1968

Spouse Name Late Shri Rajiv Gandhi

No. of Children No.of Sons:1 No.of Daughters:1

State Name Uttar Pradesh

Party Name Indian National Congress

Present Address 10, Janpath,New Delhi - 110 011Tels. (011) 23014161, 23012656

Email id

Educational qualifications

Sonia Gandhi doesn't have a valid degree. She was a waitress when Rajiv Gandhi met her. Her formal education is (i) Three years course in foreign languages (English & French) completed in 1964 at Istituto Santa Teresa, Turin, Italy (ii) Certificate in English from Lennox Cook School, Cambridge, U.K. completed in 1965

Prime minister episode

Following the unexpected defeat of the NDA, Sonia Gandhi was widely expected to be the next Prime Minister of India. On 16 May, she was unanimously chosen to lead a 15-party coalition government with the support of the left, which was subsequently named the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). The President APJ Abdul Kalam reportedly had communicated to Ms. Gandhi on the afternoon of May 17, 2004, that if she insisted on being invited to form the government, he would want first to clarify, on a reference to the Supreme Court, whether in view of this proviso her appointment as PM could be successfully challenged in the court.

In India naturalised citizens are not barred from becoming the Prime minister. But President has correctly acted on a proviso to Section 5 of the Indian Citizenship Act[1955] which requires the Union Home Ministry to lay down conditions to Indian citizenship acquired by foreigners by registration, condition based on the principle of reciprocity . In Ms Gandhi’s case, such of those conditions that apply to Indians on becoming citizens of Italy, would apply to her.

Falsification of personal details

First, her real name is Antonia not Sonia. This was revealed by the Italian Ambassador in New Delhi in a letter dated April 27, 1983 to the Union Home Ministry which letter has not been made public. Antonia is Sonia’s real name as stated in her birth certificate. Second, Sonia was not born in Orbassano as she claims in her bio data submitted to Parliament on becoming MP, but in Luciana as stated in her birth certificate. Third, Sonia Gandhi has not studied beyond High School. But she has falsely claimed in her sworn affidavit filed as a contesting candidate before the Rae Bareli Returning Officer in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections, that she qualified and got a diploma in English from the prestigious University of Cambridge, UK.

Earlier, in 1999 in her biographical data given under her signature to the Lok Sabha Secretariat and which was published in Parliament’s Who’s Who, she had made the same false claim. But later she wrote to the Lok Sabha Speaker, after Swamy had pointed it out to him in a written complaint of a Breach of Ethics of the Lok Sabha, that it was a “typing mistake”. Strange but true.

Scindia episode

Madhavrao Scindia and a German by name Stiegler are worth mentioning as other good friends of Sonia. Madhavrao’s friendship continued even after Sonia’s marriage to Rajiv. In later years, Madhavrao had become privately critical of Sonia, and told some close friends about his apprehensions about her. It is a pity that he died in mysterious circumstances in an as yet uninvestigated aircrash of his private plane in the year 2001. Mani Shankar Aiyar and Shiela Dikshit were to be on that flight too, but were asked to stay behind at the last moment.

Swiss bank accounts

A stunning exposure on Sonia Gandhi’s secret billions in Swiss banks came, surprisingly, from Switzerland itself, where the world’s corrupt stash away their booty. In its issue of November 19, 1991, Schweizer Illustrierte, the most popular magazine of Switzerland, did an exposé of over a dozen politicians of the third world, including Rajiv Gandhi, who had stashed away their bribe monies in Swiss banks. Schweizer Illustrierte, not a rag, sells some 2,15,000 copies and has a readership of 9,17,000 — almost a sixth of Swiss adult population. Citing the newly opened KGB records, the magazine reported ‘that Sonia Gandhi the widow of the former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was controlling secret account with 2.5 billion Swiss Francs (equal to $2.2 billion) in her minor son’s name’. The $2.2 billion account must have existed from before June 1988 when Rahul Gandhi attained majority. y any calculation the present size of the $2.2 billion secret funds of the family in Swiss banks seems huge — anywhere between Rs 43,000 plus to some Rs 84,000 crore!

KGB records

Another expose emanating from the archives of the Russian spy outfit KGB, is far more serious. It says that the Gandhi family has accepted political pay-offs from the KGB — a clear case of treason besides bribe. In her book The State Within a State: The KGB and its Hold on Russia-Past, Present, and Future, Yevgenia Albats, an acclaimed investigative journalist, says: “A letter signed by Victor Chebrikov, who replaced Andropov as the KGB head in 1982 noted: ‘the USSR KGB maintains contact with the son of the Premier Minister Rajiv Gandhi (of India). R Gandhi expresses deep gratitude for the benefits accruing to the Prime Minister’s family from the commercial dealings of the firm he controls in co-operation with the Soviet foreign trade organisations. R Gandhi reports confidentially that a substantial portion of the funds obtained through this channel are used to support the party of R Gandhi’.” (p.223). Albats has also disclosed that, in December 2005, KGB chief Victor Chebrikov had asked for authorisation from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, “to make payments in US dollars to the family members of Rajiv Gandhi, namely Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and Ms Paola Maino, mother of Sonia Gandhi.” And even before Albats’ book came out the Russian media had leaked out the details of the pay-offs. Based on the leaks, on July 4, 1992, The Hindu had reported: “the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service admits the possibility that the KGB could have been involved in arranging profitable Soviet contract for the company controlled by Rajiv Gandhi family”.

Breach of Indian laws

As insurance agent

Sonia Gandhi, was acting as an insurance agent of a public sector insurance company[Oriental Fire&Insurance] during tenure of Indira Gandhi, giving the Prime Minister’s official residence as her business address, and using undue influence to get insured the officers of the PMO, while remaining as an Italian citizen[thus violating FERA]. There was an uproar in Parliament, but Mrs. Indira Gandhi had no alternative but to cut her losses. She made a rare admission in a written reply a few days later that it indeed was so, and that it was by mistake, but that Sonia had resigned from her insurance agency

A C Gupta Commission

The Supreme Court Justice A.C. Gupta Commission set up by the Janata Party government in 1977 came out with a voluminous report on the Maruti Company then owned by the Gandhi family, and has listed eight violations of FERA, Companies Act, and Foreigners Registration Act by Sonia Gandhi. She was never prosecuted, but can still be prosecuted because under Indian law, economic crimes are not subject to the statute of limitation.

Enrollment as voter while being an Italian

In January 1980, Indira Gandhi returned as Prime Minister. The first thing Sonia did was to enroll herself as a voter. This was a gross violation of the law, enough to cause cancellation of her visa [since she was admittedly an Italian citizen then]. There was some hullabaloo in the press about it, so the Delhi Chief Electoral Officer got her name deleted in 1982. But in January 1983, she again enrolled herself as a voter even while as a foreigner [she first applied for citizenship in April 1983]

Bofors scam and freeing Quattrocchi

After the Congress under Sonia Gandhi came to power in 2004, Quattrocchi was quickly relieved of all hardships.

  • In June 2003, a London branch of the Swiss bank BSI AG was found by the Interpol to have two accounts held by Quattrocchi and his wife Maria, containing Euros 3 million and $1 million. These accounts were then frozen upon the request of the CBI. However, on December 22, 2005, the Indian government position changed rather suddenly. The law minister Hansraj Bhardwaj deputed the additional solicitor general of India, Mr. B. Dutta, to London to specifically request release of these accounts. However, it appears that the law ministry never consulted the investigating agency, CBI in this matter
  • Even though On 6 February 2007, Quattrocchi was detained in Argentina on the basis of the Interpol warrant, the CBI let him go free by seemingly deliberate errors on its part.
  • In April 2009, The Interpol removed the red-corner notice issued against Ottavio Quattrocchi after a request from the Central Bureau of Investigation
  • A major chapter in the 25-year-old Bofors saga was closed with a Tis Hazari court here discharging Italian businessman Ottavio Quattrocchi from the payoffs case after allowing the CBI to withdraw prosecution against him.

Antique shops in Italy

Subramaniam Swamy has alleged that Sonia’s mother, Paola Maino, and sister Anushka Winci owned the shops, Etinica in Rivolta and Ganpaty in Orbassano, the Mainos’ hometown in Italy. The CBI had to seek Interpol’s help after the Italian foreign ministry refused to part with the information, saying the matter should be taken up by the “Indian judicial authority directly with (the) Italian judicial authority”.

Oil licenses to ENI Italy

See ENI scam

After the UPA came back to power in 2004, ENI Italy started exploration of oil along the west coast of India and Andaman islands to name few. The company had links with Quattrochi and is rumored to have Massimo Quattrochi in senior advisory position. ENI is the owner of Snamprogetti which got many contracts during the Rajiv Gandhi regime.


