Thursday, June 30, 2011
Madame Sonia Gandhi and Google Search
Thugs of Christianity : “ Evangelist ” on a Mission to harvest Souls in India
The Thugs Called Missionaries for Christianity in Black and white in India..
The Deeds of Evil……In the name of GOD ….
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Dangerous Idea of Martyrdom in Christianity and Islam
The Dangerous Idea of Martyrdom
Column by Rajiv Malhotra -
While it is fashionable for moderate Muslims and Christians to condemn religious violence, they appear to be doing nothing to challenge the glorification of martyrdom found in their own religions. Martyrdom, in today’s usage, is the violent self-sacrifice of one’s life as a holy warrior. It is remarkable to observe, in light of current world events, that Christianity and Islam continue to place a strong emphasis on martyrdom whereas in the Dharmic traditions the practice does not exist. In the long list of Hindu and Buddhist exemplars of early periods, martyrdom is never among the reasons cited for their greatness.
When Christianity started to challenge the dominant social and religious mores of the Roman Empire, many Christians were socially ostracized, while others suffered torture and death at the hands of the state. For this reason, the Greek word martyr (“witness”) came
Read the Rest at the Link…
Monday, June 27, 2011
English as a Second Language for Outreach and Evangelism .Teach English and Convert
English as a Second Language for Outreach and Evangelism <--Teach English and Convert..Done to Chinese Students
Every thing Evangelist do has a Agenda ..To convert Pagans and Idolaters
Friday, June 17, 2011
Powers of Yoga and Christ
All the Powers /Miracles which Christ showed you, You can get them provided you work hard and do regular Yoga as taught in Indian Scriptures. Not the Yoga Taught in Western Yoga Schools.
By doing yoga as taught in western yoga school you will get a good body and yes good health as Yoga being yoga will get your internal system in order and you will feel healthy.
These evangelist don’t understand how you can get these Spiritual powers and have made Christ Son of God or God and what not . These Spiritual powers are in Every Human Being.
It take lot of effort and Practice of years to get to that level . May be it take few birth (Yes few Birth /Burning of Karma ) but it is in the reach of Every Human Being.
If someone ties really hard he or she can be the Christ in this world .It is all a matter of intensity and hard work .
Read the complete volumes of Swami Vivekananda and understand what is what of Indian System and don’t remain Idiots all your life .
Read these two books and Become WISE
Powers you Get by Yoga
Now Check what Miracles Christ Performed and check in the list if it exist and you shall be Set free when you know the Truth….Truth Shall Set you free…Enjoy the TRUTH
TRUTH..Hurts Right ?
Thursday, June 16, 2011
BBC = Bull Shit Corporation . BBC told to say sorry for ‘fabricated’ Bangalore footage
BBC told to say sorry for ‘fabricated’ Bangalore footage
PTI | Jun 16, 2011, 08.59pm IST
LONDON: The BBC Trust, the governing body of the BBC, has sought an apology from the makers of BBC Panorama documentary for using allegedly Bangalore-based footage that has turned out to be 'fabricated' following complaints and an inquiry.
The trust said that the BBC must say sorry to clothes major Primark over the scene broadcast in the Panorama documentary shown in June 2008, which alleged that child labour was being used to manufacture products for Primark.
The trust today said it was "more likely than not" that the scene, which showed three boys "testing the stitching" on Primark clothes, was "not genuine".
It also apologised to Primark and the audience for a "rare lapse in quality".
The trust stressed that programme makers had found evidence that child labour was being used.
Primark fired three Indian suppliers after a six-month Panorama investigation found they had sub-contracted smaller firms which had used children to finish goods.
The documentary, Primark: Behind the Label, shown on 23 June 2008, included undercover footage of three boys in a Bangalore workshop "testing" Primark brown vest tops to make sure that sequins would not fall off.
The trust, investigating a complaint by Primark that the scene was not genuine, examined original tapes and witness evidence.
Discrepancies included the use of large needles on intricate stitching, and the fact that there were no other Primark tops other than the three being worked on by the boys, the trust said in its report
Many of BBC documentaries show a Similar Fraud in terms of India..People need to file cases against BBC and Everything will come out
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Missionaries from USA with Mission to Convert Hindus Part 1 : From the book ‘ In the Tiger Jungle ‘
This is from the Book “ In the Tiger Jungle “ Published in 1896 and written by “Jacob Chamberlian “ and now is 2011 .. Means 110 Years have Passed approximately .
Has the missionary Zeal Stopped or has it changed it nature and its method of working .This we will see later on as I will comment on it but first let’s see how it worked one hundred year back
The book shows how the missionary zeal was fired up .The desire to convert every one to the true path
Books written by this particular Evangelist are
Now we see the desire to influence more and more people to join in the mission to Convert Hindus and make them civilized as per western terms
Now Starts the propaganda Crap .See how nicely the Evangelist has made sure that Indian’s were not the original Inhabitant of India
Now comes the Punch line
So Every thing came from Abraham .Nothing is original in India
This is one of the best way to create fraud History of India..The Thriller in the name of history starts
These are the deeds of the evangelist..The Master of Fraud and story telling
Now this is getting hilarious . Just think people who have travelled from long distance would like to travel the farthest
A Normal person would settle in a area where you find the land and Good supply of water and Ganges delta is the best for that
but since we are dealing with a Evangelist let the story continue. Hope you are enjoying the fraud and spy thriller in the name of Evangelism
Remember till now you have to get it Dravidians are from Abrahamic Tribes .Okay
Now lets see another fraud .This is getting hilarious but we being Hindus who had to suffer this for such a long time have to go through it.
Now Again a master Piece of creative writing. Hindus or Aryans came during the time period of Moses and David and are the ancestors of Americans ?
This is getting hilarious every second but then remember we are dealing with Evangelist…Every thing is possible in Evangelism
Now the Real Punch Line from the book
This fraud has to be created as Hinduism has to be destroyed .Caste is a Social Institution not a Religious Institution .
If you put all the blame of the society on the religion (Hinduism) itself then to solve the problems of India or Hindus you need to destroy Hinduism
Brilliant deduction my Evangelist Protestant Father ..No one can have a dirtier and a crooked mind than a Evangelist..this you have to accept
Now the Real reason of the Hate of caste System in India ..
This is only till page 20 of the book and we still have 200 Pages left.and I have missed many points from those 20 pages.
Just think in 20 pages a Evangelist can produce so much fraud..what must be the case with 1000’s of book written by evangelist's
So have patience..Till Next time
Friday, June 3, 2011
Ever wanted to evangelize to a Hindu but don't know how to do it?
This my writing..Now read carefully this why Evangelist don’t want to have Public Debate with Hindus and that is what we as Hindus need to force them to do it .Force Evangelist to Debate with Hindus.This way you can be really saved in India..Public defeat of Evangelist is the Solution
Ever wanted to evangelize to a Hindu but don't know how to do it?
A lot of times while on earth you'll be faced with many different religions which all deviate the simple truth of the gospel and mainly their doctrine's concerning Jesus Christ! Sometimes you may be stuck trying to figure out what the real truth is behind Christianity and how to I get it out to one of my friends that I don't even understand why they are rejecting it. Well, if you are interested in possibly changing one of your friends lives who is a Hindu please read on.
Anyways the first thing that you should remember is that the number 1 problem between Hinduism and Christianity are the absolutes. In other words if you took away their Ghangas river it would be equivelant to taking away ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Israel.
Another thing that you should keep in mind when trying to evangelize to Hindus are the two types of barriers dealing with evangelizing to them. These include the Conceptual Barriers and the Theological Barriers. The Conceptual Barriers would include the following 5 things:
- Hindu concept of equality of religions
- Hindu terminology – different meanings
- Hindu attitude to exclusiveness
- Hindu persecution of Christians (true Christians are excluded)
- Their concept of Christianity ( they see Christianity as western and as music, etc. even though it really came from the east)
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The Theological Barriers would include:
- Karma is incompatible with grace
- Brahman is incompatible with God
- Man as emanation is incompatible with man as created in the image of God.
- Illusory world is incompatible with the real world.
- Sin concept is incompatible with Biblical sin.
The next thing that you should keep in mind when trying to evangelize to Hindus are the right ways to evangelize to them and not offend them. These would include the following:
- be well versed (know their 4 sacred books)
- practice renunciation (you have t live in their houses. They have to see that none of the things from the western world you hold onto are not part of your Christianity.
- Define terms carefully (what does god mean… etc.)
- Contrast God with deities (this is what (Paul did in Acts 17)
Ok so you know a little bit about Hinduism so where do you begin when evangelizing to them? If I were you I would start right off the bat focusing on these four things in the following order:
- Explain grace not Karma
- Face up to absolute truth (motivating them to be intellectually honest)
- Focus on gospel not religion
- Admit that western forms are expendable
Finally if your running out of ways to share the gospel with a Hindu you should consider the 10 Commandments For Sharing the Gospel With Hindus. This would include:
- Make friends (1st, really make them your friends, by showing true friendship. Be prepared to give and receive help in practical ways(Jn. 4:17)
- Be hospitable. Invite them into your home
- Respect their customs and sensitives. Concerning food and drink, ask beforehand if they are vegetarian…
- Be modest in dress and reserved in manner.
- Recognize the importance of being a good listener.
- Build bridges not barriers (start with common ground)
- Avoid debate because they'll probably win.
- Present them with a copy of John or Luke.
- Pray with them
- Share your own personal testimony.
The article belongs to the above Link..I did not wtite it and I am copying to explain how Dear Evangelist work