Lieutenant Colonel G.H Harvey Kelly-A Forgotten British Hero of Kashmir War
Lieutenant Colonel G.H Harvey Kelly-A Forgotten British Hero of Kashmir War by Agha.H.Amin Lieutenant Colonel G.H Harvey Kelly was a British officer who fought the 1947-48 Kashmir war with Pakistan Army. Harvey Kelly was commanding the 4/10 Baluch .This battalion moved to Chinari from Abbottabad on 22 May 1948 and joined the 101 Infantry Brigade.
In middle of June 1948 Harvey Kellys battalion was tasked to capture Pandu.Harvey Kelly made a bold plan involving infiltration.Pandu comprised of two high mountain features point 6873 being 6873 feet high and main Pandu massif which was 9178 feet high.
Harvey Kelly devoted himself to reconnaisance and planning and his final plan titled "Jehad" was ready by 17 July 1948.Ironically on the same day Lieutenant Colonel Harvey Kelly received the orders to report back to the army headquarters as the British Commander in chief Gracey had taken a policy decision to withdraw all British officers.
Command of 4/10 Baluch was assumed by Lieutenant Colonel Malik Sher Bahadur ex Rajputan Rifles. Pandu was captured as per Harvey Kellys plan on 24 July 1948.
So basically it is a 500 years of Muslim empire and that too it was not a consistent rule.
but Islamic nut case publicize as if 1000 years of empire and that too 100% control. if that was true then India would not have even 1% Hindus left like Iran
Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-1192 CE)
Prithvi Raj III, commonly known as Prithviraj Chauhan (1149-1192 CE), was a king of the HinduKshatriyaChauhan (Chauhamana) dynasty, who ruled the kingdom of Ajmer and Delhi in northern India during the latter half of the 12th century.
According to the later manuscripts of [Prithviraj Raso]], Chauhan belonged to the Agnivansha group of Rajputs, deriving their origin from a sacrificial fire-pit.Chauhan was the last independent Hindu king to sit upon the throne of Delhi.[citation needed] He succeeded to the throne in 1169 CE at the age of 20, and ruled from the twin capitals of Ajmer and Delhi which he received from his maternal grandfather Ballal Sena of the Sena Dynasty in Bengal. He controlled much of present-day Rajasthan and Haryana, and unified the Rajputs against Muslim invasions. His elopement in 1175 with Samyukta (Sanyogita), the daughter of Jai Chandra Rathod, the Gahadvala king of Kannauj, is a popular romantic tale in India, and is one of the subjects of the Prithviraj Raso, an epic poem composed by Chauhan's court poet and friend, Chand Bardai.
Prithviraj Chauhan defeated the Muslim ruler Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghori in the First Battle of Tarain in 1191. Ghauri attacked for a second time the next year, and Prithviraj was defeated and captured at the Second Battle of Tarain (1192). Sultan Ghauri took Prithviraj to Ghazni . After his defeat Delhi came under the control of Muslim rulers.
Abul Muzaffar Muhy-ud-Din Muhammad Aurangzeb Alamgir (4 November 1618 [O.S. 25 October] – 3 March 1707 [O.S. 20 February]),
The Killer of HINDU’s –The Kafirs –a Real A Hole..
the conquest of the Deccan, to which, Aurangzeb devoted the last 26 years of his life, was in many ways a Pyrrhic victory, costing an estimated hundred thousand lives a year during its last decade of futile chess game warfare...The expense in gold and rupees can hardly be accurately estimated. [Aurangzeb]'s moving capital alone- a city of tents 30 miles in circumference, some 250 bazaars, with a 1⁄2 million camp followers, 50,000 camels and 30,000 elephants, all of whom had to be fed, stripped peninsular India of any and all of its surplus grain and wealth... Not only famine but bubonic plague arose...Even Aurangzeb, had ceased to understand the purpose of it all by the time he was nearing 90... "I came alone and I go as a stranger. I do not know who I am, nor what I have been doing," the dying old man confessed to his son in February 1707.[39]
He died in Ahmednagar on Friday, 20 February 1707 at the age of 88, having outlived many of his children. His modest open-air grave in Khuldabad expresses his deep devotion to his Islamic beliefs. The tomb lies within the courtyard of the shrine of the Sufi saint Shaikh Burham-u'd-din Gharib (died 1331), who was a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya of Delhi.[40]
Urgent Appeal for Help to Earthquake & Tsunami affected
From Dr Pravin Togadia
New Delhi, March 11, 2011
After the deadly earthquake of 8.9 magnitude in Japan, there followed a devastating tsunami in Japan & soon it would be destroying parts of Taiwan, Bali Indonesia, Hawaii, New Zealand, Australia, Papua New Guinea, South America, Mexico, Peru, Nicaragua & many other countries. From houses to roads; from ports to airports; from ancient temples to monasteries; from schools to cattle field … all have got washed away in this worst ever disaster.
Considering all this, Dr Pravin Togadia, renowned Cancer Surgeon & VHP International Secretary General has appealed to all:
Send help like food, water, clothes, milk powder, water & medicines to the people who have been evacuated from their places & now away from their own supplies & resources. To facilitate, VHP International Offices can further coordinate.
In all the countries getting affected by the earthquake & tsunami, millions of Indians live & work. Apart from contacting the Indian Embassies in their respected countries, they may also need immediate medical & other help. They should contact or HinduHelp Line on or call on 098253 23406 / 075886 82181. As much possible, their communication with the concerned rescue & relief operations can be facilitated or wherever possible actual help can be reached.
Temples & monasteries as well as Hindu / Buddhist & other schools / colleges in the areas that can accommodate the affected people, should immediately come ahead to offer them shelter & other basic facilities.
Doctors & nurses from various locations should immediately locate the area that they can help & gear up for medial emergencies & first aid.
Those who can not themselves do all this but wish to help should contact the above emails & telephone numbers.
After the tsunami is over then only the total damage can emerge, however, to be proactive in disaster management, it is essential to keep extra medical help available as there is a risk of contagious diseases after such a natural disaster. Those who wish to help & those who want help both contact the above emails & telephone numbers.
Many ancient buildings, temples, monuments, pagodas & monasteries must have got damaged in the disaster. After the human lives are settled to certain extent, restoration of the damaged monuments also is must to preserve the culture & heritage. Those who wish to help in this cause also contact the above emails & telephone numbers.
Dr Togadia further appealed to all developed & developing nations to practice restraint while building big development projects like nuclear power plants, dams, factories & so on & thereby destroying natural protection created by mountains, hills, hillocks, mangroves, raised islands, jungles, deep rivers etc that can keep vast areas away from the tsunami waters
TogadiaSpeak Hindus not tandoori chicken to be relished! By Dr Pravin Togadia
GENERALLY, restraint in language is expected in the civilized society. Generally Hindus abide by this social norm. Generally, Hindus abide by not only all social norms but also the legal processes set up in a democracy named Bharat. But as a practice what civilised behaviour is so very natural for Hindus, is being specially treated as a ‘general weakness’ in the same democratic Bharat by the vote-mongers, news-mongers and international attention seeking Human (?) Rights award mongers. Therefore, generally, even if Hindus are docile, are known to use most civilised language and tolerate persecution to the hilt, NO MORE! When there was jehadi attack on Mumbai on 26/11, there followed a candle light march holding placards ‘Enough is Enough’. Hindus should have said it much earlier: 1,000 years back when Bharat was first attacked by the very 1st jehadi. Then it continued and Bharat was ruled for 400 years by jehadis. The rule is over long back but its Hindu persecution mentality got transferred on to today’s ruling class for vote-bank politics. Political band wagon has been riding on the Muslim vote boogey for long now in the name of minority welfare. To tom tom about love for the so-called second largest majority but for benefits - minority - even the 58 Hindus burnt alive in Godhra Gujarat in the train from Ayodhya were too not allowed to rest in peace! This vote beggar political class, pseudo-secular media and those so-called Human Rights activists made a tandoor chicken out of those burnt Hindus - they relished 58 Hindus’ burnt bodies and their families’ pain for 9 years now! Sounds crude? Then think of little girls and boys who saw their parents being burnt in that train; think of old parents who hoped that their sons would look after them; think of young wives who had dreams of a simple family... Any kind-hearted person would weep with their pain; but this crude political class, voyeuristic media and sadistic activists cry only for jehadis! We all saw the recent example of how one award winning writer claimed that Kashmir is not Bharat and the political class had to be directed by the highest court to slap case against her. And when Hindus speak of their pain and agony of about all such jehadi attacks-not just in Godhra but also in Mewat, Assam, Kashmir, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Coimbatore, Pune, Hyderabad, Bengal, Somnath, Kashi, Ayodhya, Malaysia, Libya, America, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bali in Indonesia etc, these tandoor chewers make a mockery of them and showcase post Godhra Hindus do not truly believe in killing any living thing themselves. ‘Eye for an eye’, ‘Blood for blood’ are Islamic concepts from Sharia law. Every time there is any jehadi attack on Bharat, the ruling political class appeals to Hindus to be peaceful and give a lame excuse that because of the govt’s development, terrorists are desperate. Governments never seem to get desperate to save majority of Bharat that is Hindu. Godhra train carnage was not a one off act; it was a part and parcel of a larger conspiracy to kill Hindus. The Honourable Court says so. Killing anyone who is not like them is always a jehadi conspiracy. But these tandoor chewers do not accept even the judiciary when it comes to Hindus getting a bit of justice. One such activist was heard saying on media after the punishment announcement that there was not an iota of evidence against the convicts of Godhra. This is contempt of court. Those who piled on Hindus to accept the court judgment in Ram temple are shouting against the death penalty to 11 conspirators of Godhra. Hindus will get justice only when all 95 accused get death penalty by the honorable courts and obviously the concerned governments must appeal ahead. Bharat has seen how viciously many governments are going after Hindus, creating NIA and giving simple cases to NIA so that they get Muslim votes. Why blame them when Hindus do not stand together in voting against such vote - mongers? Until Hindus are divided in castes, regions, languages and so on, Hindus will be treated as non-human beings in Bharat. No human rights will ever be for Hindus if Hindus do not stand united democratically against such vote-mongers, cruel lop sided media and sadistic activists. Solution? There should be voting rights only to the Hindus. Those whose forefathers opted out for Pakistan and those who do not follow 2 kids norm have no right to vote in Bharat. The political parties who loot national coffer on Muslims in the name of minority should be banned from elections. There must be a common civil code - if it is not now then there will sure be a common civil code but that will be Sharia in Bharat. Now, at this moment, Hindus in Bharat are watching if the governments, work for bringing all 95 accused - not just 31 convicts - of Godhra train carnage are brought to final justice or not by further appeal by the concerned government. Any interference by anyone in full and final justice to the victims’ families will be definitely perceived-and correctly so-as anti-Hindu and therefore, anti-national. Hindus are not tandoor chicken to be chewed and relished; Hindu is a formidable majority in Bharat and its not time to teach civilised language! (The writer is a renowned Cancer Surgeon & International Secretary General of VHP.
Govt must appeal against less punishment & acquittals in Godhra Train Carnage
- Dr Pravin Togadia
New Delhi, March 1, 2011
Dr Pravin Togadia, VHP International Secretary General expressed satisfaction for the hanging to death punishment awarded by the Honourable Court under the supervision of the Honourable Supreme Court to the 11 convicts in the Godhra Train burning case. Dr Togadia however demanded that the State Govt must appeal without further delay against such a low punishment like life imprisonment to the 20 convicts as well as against the acquittal of 64 accused. He said, “It is imperative that the victims of such a brutal Jehad of burning Hindus alive in the train must get full justice. There are fast track courts to handle cases of crimes against the foreign tourists here, but from 2002 the Hindus have been waiting for full justice. These are basic human rights of Hindus that they are treated like respected human beings. But for vote bank politics Hindus have been facing severe injustice whereas doing contempt of court, the so called pseudo secular media & human rights activists claim that there was no iota of evidence against those whom the Honourable court has given death penalty! Its time that these double standards are exposed & even the judiciary must punish such activists who mislead the process of law & do contempt of court. Those who were pouncing on Hindus to accept court verdict in Ram Mandir case, are now shouting against the verdict in Godhra train carnage case with full intention of hurting Hindu sentiments & to ensure that the victims of Godhra train carnage do not get justice!”
Dr Togadia also appealed the Union Government to instruct its sitting ministers not to influence the legal process by way of being part of media channel debate panels. He further added, “All those political parties & their extra vocal leaders who are hell bent upon pushing Hindus to jail on false cases must refrain from coming in the way of full justice to the Godhra Train carnage victims & their families. Hindus are being subjected to victimization at the hands of Jehadis & political parties. It is time that Hindus stand up to such persecution democratically & following due legal process but for that it is essential that no individual, human rights activists, pseudo-secular media & vote greedy political parties be allowed to hamper this process.”
Dr Pravin Togadia can be contacted on 098253 23406;